• Declaration

    void start(string dir);

    Load function for dscanner. Call with {"cmd": "load", "components": ["dscanner"]} This will store the working directory for future use.

  • Declaration

    void stop();

    Unloads dscanner. Has no purpose right now.

  • Declaration

    void lint(AsyncCallback cb, string file = "", string ini = "dscanner.ini", string code = "");

    Asynchronously lints the file passed. If you provide code then the code will be used and file will be ignored.

    Return Value

    [{file: string, line: int, column: int, type: string, description: string, key: string}]

    Call With: {"subcmd": "lint"}

  • Declaration

    void listDefinitions(AsyncCallback cb, string file, string code = "");

    Asynchronously lists all definitions in the specified file. If you provide code the file wont be manually read.

    Return Value

    [{name: string, line: int, type: string, attributes: string[string]}]

    Call With: {"subcmd": "list-definitions"}

  • Declaration

    void findSymbol(AsyncCallback cb, string symbol);

    Asynchronously finds all definitions of a symbol in the import paths.

    Return Value

    [{name: string, line: int, column: int}]

    Call With: {"subcmd": "find-symbol"}

  • Declaration

    INIEntry[] listAllIniFields();

    Return Value

    all keys & documentation that can be used in a dscanner.ini

  • Declaration

    struct INIEntry;

    dscanner.ini setting type

  • Declaration

    struct DScannerIssue;

    Issue type returned by lint

    • Declaration

      string file;

    • Declaration

      int line;

    • Declaration

      int column;

    • Declaration

      string type;

    • Declaration

      string description;

    • key


      string key;

  • Declaration

    struct FileLocation;

    Returned by find-symbol

    • Declaration

      string file;

    • Declaration

      int line;

    • Declaration

      int column;

  • Declaration

    struct DefinitionElement;

    Returned by list-definitions

    • Declaration

      string name;

    • Declaration

      int line;

    • Declaration

      string type;

      One of "c" (class), "s" (struct), "i" (interface), "T" (template), "f" (function/ctor/dtor), "g" (enum {}), "u" (union), "e" (enum member/definition), "v" (variable/invariant)

    • Declaration

      string[string] attributes;